Monday, September 16, 2013

PROMPT: Write about a time that music influenced your life positively.

Laughter and squeals filled the air as I pulled the tissue paper from a shiny silver gift bag. The pink paper crinkled in my fingers, and I gasped as I looked inside and caught sight of the treasure within. A stack of eighteen CD's sat neatly on the bottom of the bag. I pulled them out, along with a few sheets of paper that listed all the songs on the CD's. I beamed at my best friend and rose to hug her.

Those CD's were one of the most heartfelt gifts I've ever received. My friend, who is very passionate about music, went through all of the music she owns, choosing all the songs she thought I'd like and burning them onto CD's. Every song was carefully selected. She ordered them from A-Z by artist. It must have taken her hours. I was so touched by that little silver bag, and its contents changed my music tastes forever.

It was through those CD's that I discovered all of my favorite artists. Before my 14th birthday, I'd just listened to whatever played on the Top 100 radio station. These CD's introduced me to real music, mixing indie, pop, rock, electronic - every genre under the sun. There were songs I'd never heard of, and songs I knew by heart. You know that beautiful sensation when you hear a song that makes you want to dance, scream, leap, cry, jump for joy, sing - all at the same time? I first felt that sensation listening to CD #4, where I discovered Florence and the Machine. Flo is now my all-time favorite artist ever, thanks to my friend's amazing present. In fact, my whole life changed because of that gift. If it weren't for those CD's, I'd probably still be listening to auto-tuned bubblegum-pop, and I'd never discover that awesome soaring feeling that good music gives you.

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